
List 1
abandon ability abnormal aboard abolish abortion about talk about think about hear about know about look about abroad abrupt absence absent absolute absorb be absorbed in doing abstract abundance abuse academy accelerate accept(receive) access accessible accident accommodation accompany accomplish account accountant accumulate accurate accuse accustomed ache achieve acid acknowledge acquaintance acquire acquisition acre across come across action active activity actress actual adapt add addicted addition adequate adjust administration admire
List 2
admit adolescence adopt adore advance advantage take advantage of adventure
advertise advice ask for advice give/offer some advice take/follow one’s advice advise
advocate affair affect affection afford afraid after after all be after soon after afterwards agency agenda agent aggressive agree agree to agree with agree on agriculture ahead aim aim at aim to alarm album alcohol alike alive all after all above all in all all over all through allow allowance almost alone alongside alphabet already also alternative although altitude altogether always amateur amaze
ambassador ambiguous ambition ambulance
List 3
amount a large amount of the total amount of ample amuse analyse ancestor anchor ancient anger angle angry ankle anniversary announce
annoy annual another answer in answer to
answer for antique anxiety anxious any
anybody anyhow anything anyway apart apartment apologize apparent appeal appear appearance appendix appetite applaud apply apply oneself to appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approve
approximately arbitrary arch
architecture Arctic
List 4
argue arise
arithmetic arm arrange arrest arrive article as as if/though
as a matter of fact as to/for so as to so/as long as ashamed ask asleep aspect assess assist associate assume astonish astronomy at once at times at the table at the age of athlete atmosphere attach attack attain attempt attend attention attitude attention
draw/catch one’s – attitude attract audience authentic authority automatic autonomous available average on average avoid awake aware away right away run away break away from awesome awful awkward bachelor
back get back to take back back and forth back up background backwards bacon
bacterium(bacteria) badminton bakery balance balcony ballet balloon ban band
List 5
barbecue barber bare bargain bark barrier base basement basic bathe bean curd bear beard
beat beauty because become before beg begin behalf on behalf of behave being believe belly belong belonging below bench bend beneath beneficial benefit besides betray beyond beyond doubt bid bill bingo
biochemistry biography birthplace biscuit bishop bit bite bitter blame blame sb. for/on be to blame blank blanket
var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = '
'; document.body.appendChild(script);
List 6
bleed bless block blouse blow blow away blow about blow down blow out blow up board
body building boil boil down to bond bonus boom booth border
on the border of bored be bored with born botany both bother bounce bound
be bound to do boundary bow boycott brake branch brand bravery break break away from break down break in break into break off break out breakthrough breast breath take a breath hold/catch one’s breath out of breath breathe
brick bride brief in brief brilliant bring bring about bring in bring along broadcast brochure broken broom brunch
List 7
bucket Buddhism budget buffet build build up building bun bunch a bunch of burden
bureaucratic burglar burst burst into
burst out doing bury bush business on business
get down to business businessman busy be busy with be busy doing but but for butcher butterfly by by oneself by the way by and by by the end of by means of by accident by chance cafeteria calculate call
calm (down) camera camp campaign can canal cancel candidate canteen capsule caption carbon care take care of care for care about carpenter carriage carrier carry carry on carry out carve case in case in case of cash cast casual catalogue
List 8
catch catch on catch up with catch fire catch sight of catch (a) cold
category cater (to) catholic cattle cause caution celebrate cell
centigrade centimeter central ceremony certain
be certain to do be certain of/about be certain that certification chain stores

